
Here are some questions that we sometimes use to evaluate a Sunday.

1.    Was the information presented applicable to the entire crowd?
2.    Was there too little or too much information?
3.    Did the welcome accomplish the purpose of helping people feel welcome, explaining the connection card and laying out one next step?

1.    Was the quality appropriate?
2.    Was the song selection appropriate and effective?
3.    Did people seem to connect emotionally and/or spiritually?

Presentation and Environment
1.    Was the lobby welcoming and inviting?
2.    Did it seem that people were welcomed and accepted?
3.    Did kids check in run smoothly?
4.    Are there any distractions that need to be discussed?
5.    Were there any small things overlooked?

1.    Was the message and purpose clear?
2.    Where there any portions that were ineffective and/or unnecessary?
3.    What a clear action step presented?

1.    Were there any areas that were underprepared?
2.    What balls were dropped?
3.    Are there any consistent issues that need to be addressed?

1 comment so far

  1. Andrew Conard on

    Great questions. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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