Archive for the ‘teaching calendar’ Tag

Speaking Schedule

Looking back on 2008, I spoke a total of 45 Sundays at Oak Leaf Church. For those of you that don’t like math, that means I was not teaching live 7 times.

I was on vacation two of those Sundays, speaking elsewhere on two of those Sundays, on a mission trip one of those Sundays, in the audience listening to someone teach one of those Sundays and just doing nothing on the other one.

We had two special guests that we brought in from the outside. Other pastors covered four of those Sundays. And I did one message via video.

That seems pretty healthy to me, but I’m curious what you think? For those of you who are pastor-types, do you speak more or less? And who speaks when you’re not there?

Teaching Calendar

A couple of months ago, our team went away to lay out the teaching calendar for all of next year.  We will make a few adjustments throughout the year, but we know where we’re going on the weekends from now all the way until Easter of 2010.

We use Google Docs to keep track of everything.  Not only do we lay out the series titles, we put in the key Scriptures, the big idea, announcements we know we need to make and any notes.  This document is shared across all of our staff (and a few key volunteers) so everyone can see the big picture.  This system works great for us and it’s my job (Michael, Lead Pastor) to keep this document up to date.
